Friday, December 5, 2008


food that family usually eats:
ham(not this year though)
mashed potatoes
green beans(this year they were mashed and weird-looking)
these little rolls
pecan pie
koolaid pie(new favorite all thanks to Patricia Vasquez)
food from other families(aunt's husbands homes)
we drink coke, diet coke(for grandma), sprite, and whatever else
My favorite is mixing mashed potatoes with corn. i love it! i had a plate of it at least 4 times this past thanksgiving day.

10 things i love about Thanksgiving break:
1. no school
2. seeing family(finally together for once)
3. more time to not worry
4. sleep late
5. the food!
6. football(its okay)
7. eat as many times as you want
8. wrestling on the trampoline with cousins(didn't get to this year though...preggo)
9. taking pictures with family
10. being fat =)

1 comment:

Patricia Vasquez said...

oh yea you know i hooked it up wit my KOOL-AID PIE!!!!! ha
didn't think anyone liked it besides you and pelon. ha well told you it was good i will make one for you on christmas i am so cheap i will make you a pie wit your name on it. hahaha:)