Friday, October 31, 2008

this is halloween

ten reasons i love halloween:
1. family time- my cousins dress up in the cutest costumes
2. the excitement- its been a life long happy gut feeling
3. haunted houses- in alice, they had real scary ones at the military building and the old hospital, i really do miss those.
4. trick-o-treating- i loved those days! in alice, there was this block full of rich houses that gave out the best candies, and we always went to this house that usually had three adults dressed in scary costumes that would follow us and creep us out. it was so funny!
5. scary movie marathons- michael myers was my favorite :)
6. hanging out- i got too old for trick o treating
7. being out late at night- the perfect excuse
8. having fun with my friends
9. halloween parties- well when they happen.
10. dressing up as someone/something else for a day.

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