Friday, October 3, 2008


they are usually reasonable. i've never had a disapointing one. parties used to matter but now they don't. i'd just like to have my family and closest friends there. those who love me for me. i had a cool birthday last year. we got the laptops right on my birthday and my class sang to me while we were in the cafeteria for the orientation thing. my friends threw me a little surprise party. that was really sweet. they did it again this year, well mainly family but still. i appreciate them. luis(^-^) and reese were there. so were my family. so it was just perfect. when my sister and me were little, my dad would travel 3 hours to come see us and spend a day(and money) on both of us. her birthday is in may, mines in september but we both got the same treatment on both days. it was funny. i miss those days though. my dad was "rich" or so we would call him lol. just cause he had a credit card hah we were such dorks! oh and my birthday is sept 6, my cousin roly is the 7th, and my uncles is the 8th. my favorite birthday factor. when i turned 1, roly turned 4, and uncle turned 18. we had a party together. too young to remember, there are pictures to prove it. but anyways, i like seeing other people celebrate their birthday. their face shines, big smile and real happy. the way its supposed to be. they are like magic happy days...well usually. you have a day to shine cause you turn another year older.


1 comment:

Amanda Kirkpatrick said...

how sweet....i love family birthdays!!!
thanks for my b-day wishes!!